Call or Text (907) 474-8108
Call or Text (907) 474-8108
A sound bath is a sound immersion experience, giving you the opportunity to relax, move beyond your normal boundaries, dissolve tension, balance your nervous system, and experience deep inner resting. Each sound bath begins with breathing and guided heart-opening meditation, followed by the sounds of gongs and a varying combination of sound instruments – singing bowls, chimes, drum or voice. This meditation offers your mind a journey, a chance to explore a shift in perspective or an answer you are searching for. The gong provides a powerful grounding vibration that allows you to feel and bring the sound deeply into your body. The bowls and chimes allow you to explore the lightness and floating of relaxation and movement. The sounds surround you, travel through your liquid body, and move energy.
Please bring anything to make yourself comfortable. . .pillows, blankets, etc. Cost: $30.
Sign up here:
We are so excited to have Tracy come to Fairbanks to do a 3-day workshop February 7-9. Sign up here:
I am excited to return to Alaska for another deep dive into yoga so we better understand our bodes and can create ease and joy in movement and being.In this weekend workshop we will explore movement through a deeper understanding of the myofascial matrix and the fascinating nerve tree of the body. Don’t be intimidated by this—it is really fun to learn about this anatomy! We will learn through both an active practice and anatomical images and explanations.There is a new fascination with fascia in the movement world. As we better understand the importance of this web that cradles all our organs, wraps around every muscle and muscle bundle, and interlinks with other connective tissue, we can better take care of ourselves. We now realize everything is truly interconnected. We are each layers of unfolding tissues that originate from the same cells and each layer has a purpose. We are now realizing we can use the interconnectivity and elasticity of the fascia to move with more ease and grace. In this workshop we will practice feeling into this body fabric so we can use the elastic qualities to make movement more effortless.In the past we saw the skeleton as a scaffolding with the muscles moving bones much the way pulleys and levers work inside a machine. With a paradigm shift in understanding, we are now realizing bones exist to space out this intricate myofascial web. Bones are not a scaffolding,they create space inside the body. With this understanding, we treat the bones, and the joints that link them, very differently in our yoga poses and in all other movements in daily life.Nerves also run through this myofascial matrix and the nerve tree is more complex than the anatomy books make it out to be. The nerve tree, like the fascia, links the body together and connects us to the outer world through sensations. This nerve tree is also a meeting place forour physical and emotional bodies—the parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous systems that govern relaxation, fight, flight and freeze responses are interwoven into our fascial fabric. The practice of yoga can help us care for this nervous system—and its relationship with the endocrine system-- to reduce stress by tuning into the sensations of the moment, and learning,through awareness activities like yoga, to create relaxation responses, even when doing challenging activities.When I lived in Fairbanks I taught middle schoolers about the human body through yoga. I taught students breathing practices for relaxation. I taught university yoga students how to sequence their yoga practice optimally. Now I understand so much more fully why this practice of yoga works. In this workshop, in community, we will discover the beauty of this practice more deeply.This underlying information about the fascia and nervous system will weave through our weekend yoga practices as we address the student requests Marsha and I have received from you. We will look at how to take good care of our spines, shoulders, hips, knees and feet as we practice yoga and live our daily lives. We will really think about our myofascial slings and how to use these to stabilize ourselves and create balance in our yoga poses.We are really all one– everything is linked together… and we will be better able to care for ourselves if we remember this. Yoga means union, to yoke together. We will leave this workshop more aware of this oneness. If you have any questions about the workshop, feel free to reach out to me: May your 2025 be joyous! Tracy
Spring Sessions for Tai Chi Chuan with David Adams begin January 18. Descriptions for each of the classes are listed in the class descriptions in Momence. Sign up for the sessions here:
Tai Chi for Health (Beginning Tai Chi) :
Intermediate Tai Chi:
108 Movement Long Form (Advanced Tai Chi):
Tai Chi Saber and Sword:
You can also sign up and pay David directly through his website at
Prenatal yoga has known benefits. Come and bring your expecting friends. Multi-level class tailored to you. Sign up online, scroll to Friday classes.
Look at the schedule and sign up for one of the classes. We have gentle, restorative, beginner, "do your own practice", and vinyasa. Qigong and Yogalates is also available. You choose.